Trump flips his stance on protesting after presidential election

Posted on 2017-04-26 Category:Donald Trump The Trump Administration



After Obama won the 2012 election, Trump insisted protestors take to the streets and have a revolution. However, after the 2016 election, Trump complained about protestors taking to the streets and called it "unfair."


In 2012, after Obama won re-election as President, Trump made several tweets the same night urging people to reject the results and protests in the streets. He also went as far as calling the United States democracy a “travesty” and suggesting the country needed a “revolution.”


Some of the tweets were deleted, however not without people taking screenshots of the tweets:

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In 2016, after Trump won the election, massive protests occurred throughout the country. This time however, Trump took the reverse stance on protesting the election then he did in 2012, stating:


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